Wide Loyal Rohs CompliantSince its foundation in 1984, Wide Loyal has always regarded R&D as an essential element of its success. Wide Loyal offers vast advantages over conventional lighting and other LED lighting solutions. Our products are smaller, lighter, environmentally friendly and ROHS compliant. We are always on the leading edge of the market, closely focused on market demand, and leading the lighting trends.

Foreseeing the increasing market demand and popularity of LED technology, we set up our own LED department to develop new products.

To ensure quality, we carefully select chips for LED bulb production, and conduct thorough tests at every stage of the production process. In addition, we use anti-static carpets in our assembly line, and maintain tight controls on humidity and temperature in the department, which employs experienced managers and workers. These measures also help us to control production costs, the benefits of which are passed on to our customers.

We are proud that our LED rope light has been recognized by international laboratories such as UL and KEMA. Select Wide Loyal, and enjoy the benefits of energy-saving LED technology!

Wide Loyal Factory

Our Offices

Patrick Liu - General Manager
Wide Loyal Development Ltd.

Toll Free Phone: 1-888-303-0931
Toll Free Fax: 1-888-303-0932

Mexico City: 52-55-5351-5339
Orlando: 1-321-206-8912
Vancouver: 1-604-303-0931

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